The Grand Bahama Port Authority (GBPA) is the regulatory authority with responsibility for the utility sector in Grand Bahama and oversight of Grand Bahama Utility Company (GBUC). The legislative framework which grants the authority for regulation is set out in both the Hawksbill Creek Agreement and the Regulatory Framework Agreement established between GBPA and GBUC. The Agreements establish the GBPA as the independent regulator of the utility sector with responsibility to approve the rate structure for the utility and to ensure operational standards are in line with international prudent utility practice, throughout the industry. The Framework Agreement documents how rates are to be set, operating and environmental protocols and establishes customer service standards with penalties to be paid to customers.
Rate Requirements
GBUC shall, every three (3) years, file the following information with the Authority as part of any Rate Plan proposal:
(a) Description of Filing. As part of any Rate Plan proposal, GBUC shall provide a written submission to the Authority explaining the changes in Revenue Requirements and tariffs over the three (3) year term of the Rate Plan, the major reasons for such changes, the average effect on the bills for major classes of customers, and an indication of whether it may be necessary for the Authority to consider developing Mitigated Rate Changes. If requested by the Authority, GBUC shall also submit the financial model employed to develop the Revenue Requirement and tariff schedule in an electronic format.
(b) Revenue Requirement Schedule. GBUC will file a Revenue Requirement presentation in the format specified in Schedule A detailing the major components of its Revenue Requirement including major Operations and Maintenance Expense, depreciation, amortization of deferred debits and credits, taxes, return on Rate Base, other costs imposed by the Government or the Authority, and other direct costs incurred to establish, construct, maintain, operate, and carrying on systems for pumping, storing, and distributing water for each of the three (3) years of the Rate Plan.
(c) Capital Budget Schedule. GBUC will provide a capital budget presentation as part of any Rate Plan filing in the format specified in Schedule C in a detail consistent with the capital expenditure categories described below.
(d) Five Year Capital Budget Forecast. GBUC shall provide its latest five-year capital budget forecast as an attachment to the Rate Plan proposal.
Capital Investment & Infrastructure Upgrade
As part of the rate application 2023, GBUC will be executing the following capital plans in accordance with best practices and industry standards to balance the needs of customers, protect our natural resources, and ensure Grand Bahama has a sustainable and storm resilient utility.
- The construction of an additional 1.5 million gallon a day mobile reverse osmosis system which will increase island potable water capacity, improve water quality, and address the lower pressure being experienced by residents because of the diminished freshwater lens.
- A multiyear asset management program where GBUC will strategically upgrade aging infrastructure with an island wide pipe and valve change out program.
- A robust leak detection program, using satellite technology to reduce non-revenue water.
- Continuation of an island wide meter change out program to smart metering.
- Implementation of automation of our critical systems.
Schedule of Rates

Customer Service Standards

Regulatory Complaints
GBPA is the regulatory authority with responsibility for the utility sector in Grand Bahama and oversight of the Grand Bahama Utility Company (GBUC).
In keeping with its regulatory governance, GBPA must ensure efficient, cost-effective, and reliable operations of the water utility. As the island’s water provider, GBUC works under an agreed set of Standards of Service to ensure it acts in the best interests of customers. However, there may be times when consumers might be dissatisfied with the utility’s handling of an individual issue and are unable to come to a satisfactory resolution.